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what is space debris?

Space Debris: A Looming Threat and Possible Solutions for a Cleaner Orbit

What is Space Debris?

Space debris, often known as space junk / garbage or orbital debris, is a term used to describe defunct human-made objects in space, most notably those orbiting Earth. These objects, which include outdated satellites, rocket stages, and pieces from their disintegration, represent a considerable threat to operational spacecraft and satellites. As the number of satellites and space missions grows, so does the possibility of collisions and debris production, potentially resulting in a cascading effect known as the Kessler Syndrome.

Space Debris estimated over the years

The term “space debris” refers to a variety of items, including non-functional satellites, spent rocket stages, and fragments from collisions or explosions. These objects vary in size, from tiny paint flecks to large derelict satellites, and they travel at extremely high speeds, posing a significant risk to operational spacecraft and astronauts.

Understanding the gravity of this issue, scientists, engineers, and space agencies are actively developing technologies and strategies to mitigate and remove space debris, ensuring a sustainable and safe space environment for future generations. These efforts include developing technologies for active debris removal, improving space traffic management, and promoting responsible space operations to minimize the generation of new debris.

Current Technologies for Space Debris Removal

Several technologies are being developed to remove space junk around earth, including:

Active Debris Removal (ADR): ADR involves capturing and removing debris from orbit. Concepts include using robotic arms, nets, harpoons, and tethers to capture debris and either deorbit it or move it to a safer orbit.  Different stages of the active space trash removal mission. Image Courtesy:

Space Sweeping: Similar to street sweepers, these systems would use nets, tethers, or other means to collect smaller debris particles, reducing the risk of collisions.
 Space sweeper

Space Sweepers. Image Courtesy: Planet Health Check

Deorbiting Technologies: Satellites equipped with propulsion systems or drag sails can deorbit themselves at the end of their operational life, reducing the long-term accumulation of debris.

Image below on the right : de-orbiting – Even tiny pieces of space junk can harm or destroy a satellite. (Image courtesy: National Space and Intelligence Center)

Laser Debris Removal: Proposed laser systems could vaporize or nudge debris, altering its orbit or causing it to burn up in the atmosphere.

Laser space debris cleaning

space junk

Laser space debris cleaning

Major Companies Working on Space Debris Solutions

Several below companies are actively involved in developing technologies for space debris removal. These companies, along with others in the space industry, are at the forefront of developing technologies and strategies to address the growing problem of space trash. Their efforts are crucial for ensuring the long-term sustainability of space activities and reducing the risks posed by space junk orbiting earth.

Astroscale: Astroscale is a leading space debris removal company with a mission to secure long-term spaceflight safety and orbital sustainability. The company is developing innovative technologies, such as its End-of-Life Services by Astroscale (ELSA) program, which aims to demonstrate debris removal capabilities through the capture and deorbiting of a target satellite. Astroscale has also established itself as a key player in the space debris mitigation ecosystem by promoting best practices and standards for responsible space operations.

Airbus: Airbus is a major aerospace company actively involved in developing technologies for space debris removal. The company has expertise in satellite design and manufacturing, which it leverages to create solutions for capturing and deorbiting space debris. Airbus is also involved in research and development efforts to improve the sustainability of space activities and reduce the generation of new debris.

Lockheed Martin: Lockheed Martin is another prominent player in the aerospace industry working on space debris solutions. The company has been involved in developing technologies for debris tracking, characterization, and removal. Lockheed Martin’s expertise in spacecraft design and engineering allows it to contribute to the development of innovative solutions for mitigating the risks posed by space trash.

Northrop Grumman: Northrop Grumman is a key player in the space industry with a focus on developing technologies for space situational awareness and debris mitigation. The company has developed a range of space systems, including satellites and spacecraft, that incorporate features to minimize their contribution to the space debris population. Northrop Grumman also collaborates with other organizations to develop and deploy technologies for space debris removal.

D-Orbit: D-Orbit is a space logistics and transportation company that is actively involved in developing solutions for debris removal and mitigation. The company’s innovative technologies include the D-Orbit Transfer Vehicle (DTV), which is designed to safely deorbit satellites at the end of their operational life. D-Orbit’s approach focuses on providing end-to-end solutions for satellite operators, including debris removal services.

SpaceX: While primarily known for its rocket launches and satellite deployments, SpaceX has also shown interest in space debris mitigation. The company’s Starlink satellite constellation includes features designed to minimize the risk of creating debris, such as a plan for rapid deorbiting of satellites at the end of their life. SpaceX’s focus on reusability and sustainable space operations aligns with the goals of space debris mitigation.

RemoveDEBRIS: RemoveDEBRIS is a consortium of space industry partners led by the University of Surrey in the UK. The consortium is focused on developing and demonstrating active debris removal technologies, including net and harpoon systems, to capture and deorbit space debris.

The Boeing Company: Boeing, a major aerospace company, is involved in developing technologies for space debris mitigation and removal. The company has expertise in satellite design and manufacturing, which it applies to create solutions for capturing and deorbiting debris.

LEO Labs: LEO Labs is a company that specializes in tracking and monitoring objects in low Earth orbit (LEO). By providing high-resolution tracking data, LEO Labs contributes to the efforts to avoid collisions and manage space traffic, thereby reducing the risk of creating more debris.

Rhea Group: Rhea Group is a global engineering and consulting firm that provides expertise in space debris mitigation and management. The company supports space agencies and organizations in developing strategies and technologies for debris removal and sustainability.

Effective Space Solutions: Effective Space Solutions is a company that focuses on in-space servicing and logistics. The company’s technologies include spacecraft capable of extending the life of satellites and removing them from orbit at the end of their operational life, contributing to debris mitigation efforts.

SENER: SENER is an engineering and technology group with a space division that develops technologies for satellite operations and debris removal. The company’s expertise includes robotic systems for satellite servicing and debris capture, supporting the sustainable use of space.

Risks and Challenges of Space Junk 

Technical Complexity: Space debris removal involves complex maneuvers in a challenging environment. Capturing and deorbiting debris requires precise coordination and control, as well as advanced robotics and propulsion systems. Developing technologies that can reliably and safely remove debris is a significant technical challenge.

Debris Identification and Tracking: Identifying and tracking space debris is essential for effective removal. However, many debris objects are small and difficult to detect, making it challenging to assess the full extent of the debris population and plan removal missions accordingly.

Orbital Dynamics and Collision Avoidance: Space debris removal missions must navigate the complex orbital dynamics of Earth’s orbit. Ensuring that removal spacecraft do not collide with operational satellites or other debris objects is a critical challenge that requires careful planning and coordination.

Cost and Funding: Space debris removal missions are expensive, requiring significant investment in research, development, and operations. Securing funding for these missions can be challenging, especially given competing priorities in the space industry.

Legal and Regulatory Issues: Determining liability for space debris removal and navigating international regulations and agreements can be complex. Clear guidelines and frameworks for debris removal are needed to ensure that missions comply with legal requirements and best practices.

Space Traffic Management: As the number of satellites and space missions increases, managing space traffic and avoiding collisions becomes more challenging. Space debris removal efforts must be coordinated with other space activities to minimize the risk of creating more debris.

Environmental Impact: Some proposed space debris removal technologies, such as using lasers or explosives, raise concerns about the potential environmental impact on Earth’s atmosphere. Ensuring that removal methods are safe and sustainable is an important consideration.

Public Perception and Awareness: Space debris removal is a relatively new and complex issue that may not be well understood by the general public. Building awareness and understanding of the risks and challenges of space debris removal is essential for garnering support and funding for mitigation efforts.

Addressing these risks and challenges requires collaboration and coordination among space agencies, industry partners, and regulatory bodies. By overcoming these challenges, we can work towards a cleaner and safer space environment for future generations.

Magnitude of the Problem

Currently, there are over 23,000 tracked objects larger than 10 cm in Earth’s orbit, with millions of smaller debris particles. The major debris fields include low Earth orbit (LEO), where most satellites operate, and geostationary orbit (GEO), which is home to many communication satellites.

International Guidelines and Policies

To address the issue of space debris, several international guidelines and policies have been established, including the United Nations Space Debris Mitigation Guidelines, the Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee (IADC) guidelines, and European Space Agency (ESA) Space Debris Mitigation Handbook. These frameworks aim to promote responsible space operations and reduce the creation of new debris like spacecraft disposal, collision avoidance, and the use of mitigation technologies, exchange of orbital data, notifications of planned maneuvers, and the sharing of information on space debris mitigation efforts. By adhering to these guidelines and policies, space-faring nations and organizations can work together to mitigate the risks posed by space debris and ensure the long-term sustainability of outer space activities.

Innovative Concepts and Sustainable Solutions for Space Trash Removal

In addition to traditional removal methods, several innovative concepts are being explored, such as:

Ground-Based Lasers: Ground-based lasers are being considered as a potential solution for nudging small debris objects into safer orbits or causing them to re-enter the Earth’s atmosphere and burn up. This approach could be more cost-effective than launching spacecraft to physically remove junk in space.

Space Tugs: Space tugs are spacecraft equipped with propulsion systems that can rendezvous with and maneuver other spacecraft or debris. These tugs could be used to deorbit defunct satellites or move debris into higher orbits where it poses less risk.

Electrodynamic Tethers: Electrodynamic tethers are long conductive cables that interact with the Earth’s magnetic field to generate thrust. These tethers could be attached to defunct satellites or debris objects to deorbit them passively, without the need for onboard propulsion.

Space-Based Nets and Harpoons: Space-based nets and harpoons are being developed as capture mechanisms for debris removal. These devices would be deployed from a spacecraft to capture and secure debris, allowing it to be deorbited or moved to a safer location.

Giant Balloons: Giant balloons could be deployed in orbit to increase atmospheric drag on debris objects, causing them to deorbit more quickly. This approach could be particularly effective for larger debris objects that are difficult to capture using other methods.

Self-Destructing Satellites: Self-destructing satellites are designed to disintegrate harmlessly at the end of their operational life, reducing the risk of creating long-lasting debris. These satellites could be equipped with systems that trigger their breakup into smaller, less hazardous fragments.

Sustainability in Satellite Design: Incorporating sustainability principles into satellite design can help reduce the creation of new debris. This includes designing satellites with propulsion systems for controlled deorbiting at the end of their mission, as well as using materials that are less likely to create debris in the event of a collision.

Debris Capture and Reuse: Some companies are exploring the concept of capturing and repurposing space debris. For example, the company D-Orbit is developing a technology called “space debris collection and reutilization” (SDCR), which aims to capture debris and reuse it for future missions.

Education and Outreach: Increasing public awareness and education about the issue of space debris is essential for fostering a culture of responsible space behavior. Outreach efforts can help promote sustainable practices among satellite operators and encourage the development of innovative solutions for debris mitigation.

By exploring these innovative concepts and adopting sustainable practices, we can work towards a cleaner and safer space environment for future generations.

Collaboration Between Space Agencies and Private Companies

Space agencies, such as NASA, ESA, and private companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin, are increasingly collaborating to find solutions to the space debris problem.

NASA and SpaceX (2019-2022): NASA has partnered with SpaceX on several missions related to space debris mitigation. SpaceX’s Starlink satellites, launched since 2019, are designed with a capability to deorbit themselves at the end of their operational life, reducing the risk of creating additional debris. This collaboration showcases how public-private partnerships can contribute to sustainable space practices.

ESA and Astroscale (2018-present): The European Space Agency (ESA) has collaborated with Astroscale, a private company specializing in space debris removal, on the development of the ELSA-d mission. ELSA-d, launched in 2021, aims to demonstrate the capture and deorbiting of a target satellite, showcasing how public and private entities can work together to advance debris removal technologies.

JAXA and Astroscale (2017-present): The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has also partnered with Astroscale on the development of debris removal technologies. Astroscale’s ELSA-d mission, launched in 2021, included a demonstration of debris capture and removal capabilities, highlighting the potential for collaboration between space agencies and private companies in this field.

ESA’s Space Safety Program (2016-present): ESA’s Space Safety Program includes collaborations with private companies to develop technologies for space debris mitigation. For example, the program has supported the development of the e.Deorbit mission, planned for the late 2020s, which aims to capture and deorbit a derelict satellite, demonstrating the feasibility of active debris removal.

Space Data Association (SDA) (2009-present): The SDA is an international association of satellite operators that collaborates on sharing orbital data and coordinating maneuvers to avoid collisions. Since its establishment in 2009, the SDA has demonstrated how private companies can collaborate to improve space situational awareness and reduce the risk of collisions and debris creation.

These collaborations include sharing data, developing joint missions, and leveraging each other’s expertise and resources and highlight the importance of collaboration between space agencies and private companies in developing innovative solutions for space debris mitigation over the past decade.

Costs of Debris Removal Systems

The costs of developing and operating debris removal systems vary depending on the technology and scale of the operation. Below is the list of different costs involved:

Development Costs: The development of debris removal systems involves significant research, design, and testing efforts, which can be costly. For example, the development of a robotic system for capturing and deorbiting space debris could cost tens to hundreds of millions of dollars, depending on the complexity of the system.

Launch Costs: Launching debris removal missions into space is expensive due to the high cost of rocket launches. The cost of launching a single satellite can range from $10 million to over $100 million, depending on the size and destination orbit. Debris removal missions may require multiple launches for spacecraft, propulsion systems, and capture mechanisms, further increasing costs.

Operation and Maintenance Costs: Operating debris removal systems in space requires ongoing maintenance and monitoring, which can be costly. This includes costs for mission control operations, telemetry, and spacecraft health monitoring. The annual operating costs for a debris removal mission could range from several million to tens of millions of dollars, depending on the mission duration and complexity.

Total Costs: The total costs of developing and operating a debris removal system can vary widely depending on the mission’s scope and objectives. Estimates for a single debris removal mission range from $50 million to over $1 billion, depending on the technology and scale of the operation.

Cost Recovery: Recovering the costs of debris removal missions can be challenging, as there is currently no established mechanism for funding these missions. Some proposals suggest that satellite operators or governments could contribute to a fund for debris removal, but the feasibility and implementation of such a fund are still being discussed.

Cost-Benefit Analysis: Despite the high costs involved, the benefits of debris removal in terms of reducing the risk of collisions and preserving valuable orbital slots for future missions are significant. Conducting a cost-benefit analysis can help assess the economic feasibility of debris removal missions and inform decision-making regarding their implementation.

The costs of developing and operating debris removal systems are substantial, but the potential benefits in terms of ensuring the long-term sustainability of space activities may justify these costs. Continued research and development efforts are needed to reduce the costs of debris removal technologies and make them more accessible to the broader space community.

Key Milestones and Upcoming Missions in Space Debris Removal

Several key milestones and upcoming missions in space debris removal include:

RemoveDEBRIS Mission (2018-2022): RemoveDEBRIS is a consortium of space industry partners led by the University of Surrey in the UK. The consortium’s mission, launched in 2018 and expected to conclude in 2022, aims to demonstrate active debris removal technologies, including net and harpoon systems, to capture and deorbit space debris.

Astroscale’s ELSA-d Mission (2021): Astroscale, a private company specializing in space debris removal, launched the End-of-Life Services by Astroscale demonstration (ELSA-d) mission in 2021. ELSA-d aims to demonstrate the docking and deorbiting of a target satellite, showcasing Astroscale’s technology for capturing and removing space debris.

D-Orbit’s SDCR Technology (ongoing): D-Orbit, a space logistics and transportation company, is developing a technology called “space debris collection and reutilization” (SDCR), which aims to capture and repurpose space debris for future missions. This technology has the potential to reduce the amount of debris in orbit and contribute to sustainable space practices.

ESA’s ClearSpace-1 Mission (2025): The European Space Agency (ESA) is planning to launch the ClearSpace-1 mission in 2025. This mission aims to demonstrate the capture and removal of a defunct satellite from orbit using a specially designed spacecraft. ClearSpace-1 is expected to pave the way for future debris removal missions and showcase Europe’s capabilities in this area.

NASA’s OSAM-1 Mission (late 2020s): NASA’s On-orbit Servicing, Assembly, and Manufacturing-1 (OSAM-1) mission, planned for the late 2020s, includes a debris removal demonstration as part of its objectives. OSAM-1 aims to demonstrate technologies for servicing and refueling satellites in orbit, which could also be applied to debris removal missions.

ESA’s e.Deorbit Mission (late 2020s): ESA is planning to launch the e.Deorbit mission in the late 2020s. This mission aims to capture and deorbit a derelict satellite using a robotic system, demonstrating the feasibility of active debris removal on a larger scale.

These milestones and upcoming missions highlight the growing interest and investment in space debris removal technologies. By demonstrating the feasibility and effectiveness of these technologies, these missions are paving the way for a cleaner and safer space environment for future generations.

In conclusion, space debris poses a serious and growing threat to space operations. However, with continued technological advancements, international cooperation, and innovative solutions, we can work towards a cleaner and safer space environment for future generations.

Where India stands in Sustainable Technology for Space Debris

India has made significant strides in sustainable technology for space debris mitigation, active debris removal and management. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has been actively researching and developing technologies to address the challenges posed by space debris. Some key areas of focus include:

ISRO System for Safe & Sustainable Space Operations Management (IS40M) in 2022

ISRO system for safe & sustainable future

Debris Monitoring and Tracking: ISRO has established the Space Debris Monitoring Centre (SDMC) to track and monitor space debris in real-time. This helps in predicting potential collisions and avoiding them by maneuvering satellites.

Debris Mitigation Strategies: ISRO is working on implementing debris mitigation guidelines, such as designing satellites with propulsion systems for de-orbiting at the end of their operational life, and ensuring that rocket stages are de-orbited to reduce long-term space debris.

Active Debris Removal: While India does not currently have active debris removal missions, ISRO is studying various concepts and technologies for future missions to remove large and dangerous debris from orbit.

International Collaboration: India actively collaborates with international organizations such as the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) and the Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee (IADC) to develop guidelines and best practices for sustainable space activities.

Space Debris India : Key Milestones and Upcoming Missions  

Here’s an overview of India’s efforts in this area and a list of Indian companies involved:

    1. ISRO: The Indian Space Research Organisation has been developing technologies and conducting research to address space debris challenges. ISRO has launched initiatives such as the Space Situational Awareness Control Centre (SSACC) to monitor and track space objects, including debris.

    1. Antrix Corporation Limited: Antrix Corporation Limited is the commercial arm of ISRO and facilitates commercial satellite launches, technology transfer, and international collaborations. Antrix plays a role in promoting sustainable practices in satellite operations and debris mitigation.

    1. Astroscale India Pvt. Ltd.: Astroscale India Pvt. Ltd. is the Indian subsidiary of Astroscale, a global company focused on space debris removal and satellite servicing. Astroscale India is involved in developing innovative technologies and solutions for space debris mitigation. 

    1. Bellatrix Aerospace: Bellatrix Aerospace is an Indian aerospace startup that specializes in satellite propulsion systems and space transportation technologies. The company is developing electric propulsion systems that can help maneuver satellites to avoid collisions with space debris.

    1. Dhruva Space: Dhruva Space is an Indian space technology startup that focuses on small satellite development and space mission services. The company is involved in developing solutions for space debris monitoring, tracking, and mitigation.

    1. Agnikul Cosmos: Agnikul Cosmos is an Indian space technology startup that is developing small satellite launch vehicles. The company aims to provide cost-effective and sustainable launch solutions for small satellites, contributing to space debris mitigation efforts.

    1. SatSure: SatSure is an Indian geospatial data analytics company that leverages satellite imagery and artificial intelligence for various applications, including agriculture, insurance, and urban planning. The company’s satellite data analytics platforms can support space debris monitoring and analysis.

    1. NoPo Nanotechnologies India Pvt. Ltd.: NoPo Nanotechnologies India Pvt. Ltd. is an Indian nanotechnology company that develops advanced materials for various applications, including space. The company’s innovative materials could potentially be used in space debris mitigation technologies.

These Indian companies are actively contributing to the development and implementation of sustainable technologies for space debris mitigation, reflecting India’s commitment to space sustainability and responsible space activities.

What is Space Debris?


Space debris, often known as space junk / garbage or orbital debris, is a term used to describe defunct human-made objects in space, most notably those orbiting Earth. These objects, which include outdated satellites, rocket stages, and pieces from their disintegration, represent a considerable threat to operational spacecraft and satellites. As the number of satellites and space missions grows, so does the possibility of collisions and debris production, potentially resulting in a cascading effect known as the Kessler Syndrome.


In addition to traditional removal methods, several innovative concepts are being explored, such as:

Ground-Based Lasers: Ground-based lasers are being considered as a potential solution for nudging small debris objects into safer orbits or causing them to re-enter the Earth’s atmosphere and burn up. This approach could be more cost-effective than launching spacecraft to physically remove junk in space.

Space Tugs: Space tugs are spacecraft equipped with propulsion systems that can rendezvous with and maneuver other spacecraft or debris


Several technologies are being developed to remove space junk around earth, including:

Active Debris Removal (ADR): ADR involves capturing and removing debris from orbit. Concepts include using robotic arms, nets, harpoons, and tethers to capture debris and either deorbit it or move it to a safer orbit.  Different stages of the active space trash removal mission.

Space Sweeping: Similar to street sweepers, these systems would use nets, tethers, or other means to collect smaller debris particles, reducing the risk of collisions.  

Space debris, often known as space junk / garbage or orbital debris, is a term used to describe defunct human-made objects in space, most notably those orbiting Earth. These objects, which include outdated satellites, rocket stages, and pieces from their disintegration, represent a considerable threat to operational spacecraft and satellites. As the number of satellites and space missions grows, so does the possibility of collisions and debris production, potentially resulting in a cascading effect known as the Kessler Syndrome.

In addition to traditional removal methods, several innovative concepts are being explored, such as:

Ground-Based Lasers: Ground-based lasers are being considered as a potential solution for nudging small debris objects into safer orbits or causing them to re-enter the Earth’s atmosphere and burn up. This approach could be more cost-effective than launching spacecraft to physically remove junk in space.

Space Tugs: Space tugs are spacecraft equipped with propulsion systems that can rendezvous with and maneuver other spacecraft or debris

Several technologies are being developed to remove space junk around earth, including:

Active Debris Removal (ADR): ADR involves capturing and removing debris from orbit. Concepts include using robotic arms, nets, harpoons, and tethers to capture debris and either deorbit it or move it to a safer orbit.  Different stages of the active space trash removal mission.

Space Sweeping: Similar to street sweepers, these systems would use nets, tethers, or other means to collect smaller debris particles, reducing the risk of collisions.